Uttoxeter North Junction |
R01 |
Dove Bank |
2 |
Dn (W) of lines south of Dove Bank x-ing |
0948 3381 |
Apr 1912; 3rd cl., 23/- to 24/-. 4 - NUR1930 |
Utoxeter West Jn 826yd - Uttoxeter East Jn 971yd - Spath Crossing 1mi 111yd/Rocester Jn 3mi 1434yd (>05FEB1961) |
MT6. NHA. |
NSR Type 2. |
NS Type 2. Brick to windows and back wall. Wooden steps 12 toward traffic to wooden porch. Non standard locking room windows with two on front with flat stone lintels top being level with floor. Frame front. Locking room door under steps on side to rear. Nameboard flush with top of windows and right hand at front of box over door and centrally over window at non steps end. Extra low window to operating floor to view crossing. No light/window in eaves only small vent. Horizontal weatherboarding in eaves. Extra high McK&H style brick chimney at rear. |
28 lever McK & H inc 1 spare and 1 space plus gate wheel - MT6/1711/7 |
30JAN1966 - SA1960 amdt |
1. ? 2. MAY1908 |
1. NSR port distance/partial (LGRP) 2. Per Nick NHA. (Basil Jeuda) HBOliver 19AUG59 Negative No. 0534from Up train looking across x-ing at N side. 05MAY62 Negative No. SB/0675 from ground level on Up side looking N at steps end of box on Dn side. AVC 8/18d view from box over crossing to Spath. RAS N1472. |
Trailing connection to Uttoxeter Gas Works from Down, N of x-ing. Oou 10NOV1957 -CVR. |
'Seven Acres' crossing locked by lever 29. AB to Spath until 05FEB1961 thence Rocester until 25JAN1965 Last year of existence box was retained merely to work north corner of triangle |
Frame preserved/reused at Shackerstone railway museum - NHA. Line severed at Leek Yard by 26JUL1964, then closed beyond Uttoxeter North by 25JAN1965 leaving North to control triangle W-N-E until full closure by 30JAN1966 - amendments to SA1960. |
Shell of sb extant for many years after closure, demolished to make way for Uttoxeter by-pass c.1995. |
WH Allen, J Ashmore, H Shaw - NUR1930 |
P - waste land adjacent to traffic island - no obvious sign of box. |
Spath |
R02 |
1 |
Dn (W) side of line, N of Rocester Road crossing |
0864 3525 |
5 |
Uttoxeter North 1mi 111yd - Rocester 2m 1323yd |
NSR Type 2 |
10 levers inc 4 spare McK&H |
05FEB1961 |
(NHA). Series of 'officials' at comissioning of AHBs. |
None |
Abolished in favour of Britain's first ever automatic Half Barrier installation. |
F Mellor, FW .Lowndes & JT Critchlow - NUR1930 |
Rocester |
R03 |
1 |
Up (E) side of line, N of Hollington Road crossing |
1020 3923 |
4 |
Spath 2m 1323yd / Uttoxeter North3mi 1434yd (>05FEB1961) - Denstone 1636yd / Alton Towers 3m 1033yd (>18FEB1961) - Norbury & Ellaston 2m 806yd |
36 lever McK&H 6" centres - NHA |
25JAN1965 |
0600Mo - 2210 or last train Sa (1961) |
H Sherrett, W Weaver & CH Sherratt - NUR1930 |
Norbury & Ellaston |
R04 |
1 |
Dn (N) side of line midway along station platform |
1228 4230 |
5 |
Rocester 2m 806yd - Clifton Yard 3m 260yd |
2. NHA |
1. NS open stage 2. NS Type 2 |
1. Open frame on raised stage on platform. |
2. Rear 20 levers inc 1 spare McK&H 5" centres - NHA |
01JUN1964 |
1. 1899 2. 1904 |
0900 - 0945, 1330 - 1520, 1610 - 1640 Mo - Fr, 0900 - 0945, 1330 - 1520 Sa (!961) |
1. Knotty p.37 |
2 on Dn side S of crossing, plus passing loop. |
J Carnall & CF Shaw - NUR1930 |
Clifton Yard |
R05 |
1 |
Up (E) side of line S of Yard entrance |
1627 4463 |
5 |
Norbury 3m 260yd - Ashbourne No.1 1m 689yd |
27 lever McK&H 5" centres - NHA |
01JUN1964 |
1900 - NHA |
0920 - 1000, 1330 - 1515, 1655 - 1730 Mo - Fr, 0920 - 1000, 1330 - 1515 Sa (1961) |
JW Prosser & SJ Beck - NUR1930 |
Clifton Station |
R06 |
1 |
Dn (W) side of line, S of Mayfield road crossing |
1643 4481 |
nbp |
17 lever McK&H 5" centres - NHA |
01JUN1964 |
1899 |
Made Non Block Post in 1900 wih opening of Clifton Yard. |
No listing - NUR1930 |
Ashbourne No.1 |
R07 |
1 |
N (Dn) side of line, E of Nestles factory |
1748 4618 |
4 |
Clifton Yard 1m 689yd - Ashbourne No.2 453yd |
38 lever McK&H 5" centres - NHA |
01JUN1964 |
1899 - NHA |
0920 - 1710 Mo - Sa (1961) |
J.W.Roe & T.Proctor - NUR1930 |
Ashbourne No.2 |
R08 |
1 |
Up (E) side of line, S end of station with bay platform in front. |
1780 4640 |
5 |
Ashbourne No.1 453yd - Alsop Station 6m 1605yd |
36 lever LNWR Tumbler - NHA |
07OCT1963 - NHA |
October 1899 - NHA |
0920 - 1720 Mo - Sa (!961) |
(Knotty p13) |
W Redfern & J Allsopp - NUR1930 |