Signalboxes - HTML
Name: Reference: Previous Names: Boxes on Site: Location: Mileage: Grid Ref: Class: Section: Diagram: Builder/Type: Description: Frame: Abolished: Opened: Hours: Photos: Sidings etc: Notes Operation: Notes Name/Dates: Notes Location: Notes Staff: Site Today: Artefacts:
Swains Park Crossing O01 Swain’s Park Public Road Level Crossing 2 SW side of Swad Loop SE of Woodville to Linton road crossing. 121m 51c 2966 1710 4 Woodville Junction 743yd - Woodville Goods Junc / Woodville Passenger Station 2mi 1495yd FileMT6/1661/3 (15NOV1907) MR Type 2b Type 2b single 15' flake 5' extension at gate end on stilts. Wooden steps facing traffic with 4 steps, token platform then 9 more steps. Locking room window on ends at front. Wooden nameboard with square corners flush with bottom of windows. Walkway. Stove at rear. Front. Extended in 1907 to 16 with no spares plus gate wheelever (MT6). 02MAR1964 - Gough 1. 01SEP1884 2. 19FEB1899 0600 Mo - 0400 Su (1913). 0600 - 2200 Mo - Su (1945). 0550 - 2200 Mo - Sa (1948). 0610 - 2050 Mo - Sa (1959). 0700 - 1930 Mo - Fr, 0610 - 2000 Sa (1962). Cliff Shepherd 29FEB964. (Swad cover PWebb no date). (LB br pl183 DLFGilbert 05AUG58). Colliery branch on Dn side N of crossing and lie-by siding also on Dn side, S of crossing. Gresley Colliery Branch worked as One Engine in Steam with Round Black staff - SA1937. Token to Woodville Passenger Station = round with triangular hole in middle - SA1956. Not shown on 1883 map but is on 1901 os map.
F Freestone, JGM Briscoe, JR Marston - NUR1930 P - The railway formation was converted to site accesses on either side therefore there is no trace of box or railway items. Link with past with former public house adjacent.
Occupation Road Level Crossing O02-

1 In Y of line and S of Occupation Lane outside John Knowles factory. 2. N of Occupation Ln, E of crossing.
3101 1843
(Private Crossing)
Private 2. Wooden construction with vertical boarding. Mounted on four low brick pillars. Door at rear. Pitched (felt?) roof. Stove at rear. No walkway. Three 3 wide by 2 deep windows on front and two on ends. MR style name on door side of hut. Door facing road traffic with steps (5) paralell to box back toward rail traffic. Gate wheel and c.3 levers.
23SEP1966 - Rly of Knowles 1. By 1920 2. By 1959
{Swad} {JKWilliams 19MAY1966 - Rly of Knowles}, {CShepeherd 21JUL1966 - Rly of Knowles}, {TPJeffcoat 22JUL1966 - Rly of Knowles}
No signals but controled gates with a wheel and a number of points either side of crossing. Article about John Knowles (Wooden Box) Ltd in "Railway Bylines" magazine Vol 3 issue 2 (FEB98) 1. Located S of Occupation Lane

Church Gresley Colliery Sidings East O03
1 n/k exactly

NBP (Weighing Machines Sidings - Church Gresley Colliery West)

16AUG1896 01SEP1884 Open only for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884.

A distant signal for up trains and engines in the post of the Weighing Machines Sidings up home signal; a home signal for up trains and engines; a disitnat signals for down trains and engines in the post of the Church Gresley Colliery Sidings West up home signal; a home signal for down trains and engines; a ground disc siding signal - MR Notice 23AUG1884.

Church Gresley Colliery Sidings West O04
1 n/k (Ch. Gresley Colliery jnc = 121m 74c)
NBP (Church Gresley Colliery Sidings East - Swain's Park Public Level Crossing)

16AUG1896 01SEP1884 Open only for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884.

A distant signal for up trains and engines in the post of the Church Gresley Colliery Sidings East down home signal; a home signal for up trains and engines; a distant signal and a home signal for down trains and engines; a ground disc siding signal. - MR Notice 23AUG1884.

Weighing Machine Sidings O05
1 n/k

NBP (Church Gresley Colliery Sidings East - Woodville Goods Junction)

16AUG1896 01SEP1884 Open only for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884.

A distant signal for up trains and engines in the post of the Woodville Goods Junction down passenger line home signal; a home signal for up trains and engines; a distant signal for down trains and engines in the post of the Church Gresley Colliery Sidings East up home signal; a home signal for down trains and engines; ground disc siding signals. - MR Notice 23AUG1884.

Woodville Goods Junction O06
2 NW side of line W of jnc 122m 61c 3040 1867 6 Swains Park Crossing 1540yd - Woodville Passenger Station 1mi 1254yd

24JUN1934 - Gough 01SEP1884. 2. 18SEP1923 Open during the time the line is open for traffic - MR Notice 23AUG1884. 0600 Mo - 0400 Su (1913)

Train Staff and Ticket to Woodville Passenger Station (Square Blue Staff) and Woodville Junction and Train Staff without Tickets (Triagular Red Staff) to Woodville Goods Station - MR Notice 23AUG1884. Woodville Goods Branch worked as One Engine in Steam with Round/Black staff kept at the g.f. - SA1937. Made NBP b/w 1922-1931. Replaced with g.f. on closure - Gough
JW Dallman, A Brown, CE Potter - NUR1930

Boothorpe O07 Tugby & Barry's Sidings 2 SE side of loop 140yd E of Moira Rd bridge (now Pipe factory) 123m 40c 3133 1820
NBP (Woodville Goods Junction - Woodville Passenger Station)

24JUN1934 - Gough 1. 01SEP1884. 2. 20MAR1922 - Newman. Open only for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884. "Open for trains booked to stop" (1913)

The signals will be; a home signal and a distant signal for up trains and engines; a home signal and a distant signal for down trains and engines; ground disc shunting signals. - MR Notice dated 23AUG1884. Renamed by 10MAR1884 - MR Notice (R.Newman Collection).
Worked by "Man in charge of Sidings" - 1896.

Woodville O08 Woodville Passenger Station 2 E (Up) side of Swad Loop midway along platform. 124m 18c 3201 1908 6 Woodville Goods Junc 1mi 1254yd / Swains Park 2mi 1495yd - Swadlincote East 1mi 1242yd / Swadlincote West 1mi 1584yd
1. MR Type 1. 2. MR Type 4d. 1. Type 1 single 10' flake sited on Up platform S of station buildings. Steps toward traffic. Nameboard on front. Five horizontal weatherboards. Frame front.
2. Type 4d single 15' flake sited on Up platform slightly to S of box1. Steps (7) away from traffic, Seven horizontal lapped boards, wooden nameboard with square conrners flush with bottom of windows. No walkway.
Front (both - from picture evidence) 02MAR1964 - Gough 1. 01MAY1883 2. 09SEP1923 Open during the time the line is open for traffic - MR Notice 23AUG1884. 0600 - 2130 Mo - Sa (1913). 'As required for traffic purposes' (1945). 1515 - 1630 Mo - Sa (1948). 1315 - 1400 Mo, 0800 - 0830, 1315 - 1400 Tu - Fr, 0630 - 0830, 1315 - 1530 Sa. (1953). 1315 - 1400 Mo - Sa (1959). 1. Rly Bot pl59. 2. Swad. Box p8. RJB 08SEP62 B143. LMS Branch JRLangford. RJBuckley B143 08SEP62 partial.

HAF Walker - NUR1930

Swadlincote East O09 Swadlincote 3 1. n/k 2. N side of Mn E of Midland Rd x-ing. 3. N (Up) side of Mn W of Midland Rd bridge. 125m 74c 2996 1986
Woodville Passenger Station 1mi 1242yd - Swadlincote West 342yd
2. MR Type 1. 3. MR Type 3a 2. Type 1 single 15' flake (12' wide?) with steps away from ttraffic. No walkway. Nameboard on front midway between bottom of windows and crossbeam. Stove at rear. 3. Type 3a single 15' flake. Wooden steps (12) facing traffic. Locking room windows on ends at front. Wooden nameboard with square corners on front below windows. No walkway.
23JAN1955 replaced by g.f. 1. 1864 2. 23OCT1882 - Newman. 3. 10JUL1905 Open during the time the line is open for traffic - MR Notice 23AUG1884. 0630 - 2045 Mo - Sa (1913). 0650 - 2030 Mo - Fr, 0650 - 1930 Sa, Closed Su (1945) 2. Swad no date B.Robinson collection. 3. BoT p55. Rly BoT pl232. Swad cover PWebb 15AUG53, EWoods no date.
1. Not interlocked as of 1880. 3. Box removed to Shobnall Maltings thence preserved by Sir William McAlpine.
RL from E side of Midland Road for bridge to be built 1906. Tracing of area plan on file Nov1890.
P - Grass verge at side of road with boundary fence of new housing. Down platform still extant.
Swadlincote West O10
2 S (Up) side, E of Darklands Rd x-ing 126m 10c 2965 1977 5 Swadlincote East 342yd / Woodville Passenger Station 1mi 1584yd - Swadlincote Junction 2mi 376yd
1. MR Type 1 2. MR Type 4d (by date) 1. Type 1 single 15' flake with locking room windows on ends with base flush with base crossbeam. Steps (11) toward traffic. No walkway. Nameboard on front midway between windows and crossbeam. Ten horizontal weatherboards. Block oval between two front windows on door end just below window level. 2. Steps toward traffic. 1. Front. 2. 16 levers, 9 spare - NHA. 02MAR1964 - Gough 1. 23OCT1882 - Newman 2. 15JUN1919 Open during the time the line is open for traffic - MR Notice 23AUG1884. 0630 - 2045 Mo - Sa (1913). 0650 - 2100 Mo - Fr, 0650 - 1930 Sa (1945). 0650 - 2030 Mo - Fr, 0650 - 1930 Sa (1948). 0630 - 1920 Mo - Fr, 0630 - 1430 Sa (1959). 1. Box p47/ BoT LookBack p120. 2. Swad.

AE Johnson - NUR1930. Arthur Bickley c. turn of Century - BoTLookBack. P - Block of OAP flats. No trace of box or formation.
Hall & Boardman's Sidings O11

n/k exactly - Junc for 'Swadlincote Old colliery' 125m 68c ~284 194
NBP (Swadlincote Junction - Swadlincote West) FileMT6/441/8 (20JUL1892) MR

27OCT1895 22OCT1883 Only open for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884

Prior to installation of SB, the connection was controlled by a stage locked by an Annett's Key on the Swadlincote Branch Staff

~180yds E of island on A514 William Nadian's Way
Stanton Colliery Sidings O12

n/k 125m 58c ~281 194
NBP (Swadlincote Junc - Swadlincote West)

15SEP1895 22OCT1883 Only open for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884

Prior to installation of SB, the connection was controlled by a stage locked by an Annett's Key on the Swadlincote Branch Staff

~80yds W of island on William Nadin's way - Opencasted to oblivion.
Cadley Hill Colliery O13

n/k exactly (triangular junction to S of loop) 125m 23c ~276 193
NBP (Swadlincote Junction - Swadlincote West)

27OCT1895 22OCT1883 Only open for trains arranged to stop - MR Notice 23AUG1884

Prior to installation of SB, the connection was controlled by a stage locked by an Annett's Key on the Swadlincote Branch Staff

Nadin's opencast site.