Signalboxes - HTML
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Hazlewood I01

On platform (Dn side) S of stn building 134m 77c (stn) 330449 (stn)
NBP (Wirksworth - Duffield Junc) Swift vol 8 MR Probably never more than a lever frame on platform
18NOV1890 by 1877 Closed nights and Su (1877)
Loop and 2 sdgs on Dn side N of stn - 1901 Not yet interlocked in 1880 - Trade. Not shown as sb in MR dd Probably never more than g.f. on stn? Sidings controlled by Train Tablet (MR Weekly Notices 1893).
Shown on 1901 OS map
No trace of signalling.
Shottle I02

Two lever platforms at each end of layout - Sprenger 136m 43c (stn) 304469 (stn)
NBP (Wirksworth - Duffield Junc) Swift vol 8 MR Probably never more than a lever frame on platform
18NOV1890 by 1877 Closed nights and Su (1877)

Not interlocked as of 1880 - Trade. Sidings controlled by Train Tablet (MR Weekly Notices 1893).

P. Station still intact but no trace of signalling.
Idridgehay I03
4 1. 2. & 3. W (Dn) side of Single Ln S of Stn. 4. Ground frame on platform outside booking office 138m 7c 2899 4883 5 Duffield Junction 5mi 154yd - Wirksworth 3mi 176yd Swift vol 8. Wirk Ln 2. MR Type 2 3. Platform g.f. 4. Hut adjacent crossing 2. Type 2 (2a by date and being contemporary with Gorsey Bank and Wirksworth) Single 15' flake, walkway on front only. Steps away from crossing facing Derby two flights with 6 steps on upper, with token platform in between. Nameboard fixed directly to boarding flush with windows. Lock room window on non-steps end flush with back of box.
4. 3'x4' hut with verticle planking. Door at back and 3 pane wide x2 pane high windows front and sides. Frame inside, slightly bowed roof. Name "IDRIDGEHAY STN FRAME" on front under window.
2. 10 levers - Sprenger. 4. Five levers inc one spare 1954 - Knighton. 3. 08JUL1934 4. 03DEC1978 as g.f. 1. by 1877 2. 08SEP1890 3. 08JUL1934 4. By 1954? Closed nights and Su (1877). 0645 - 2120 Mo - Sa, 1600 - 1800 Su (1913). 'As required on weekdays' (1942, 1945) 2. DLSL Idrigehay 5. (Vic Phillips collection - distance) 4. 1979 BR MN Pic. Wirk Br Mar78 Anthony Straw. GAYeomans 03JUN1961. TT K38/4 26MAY1961 Loop on Dn side S of stn. N end worked by g.f. controlled by Train Tablet (MR Weekly Notices 1893). Not interlocked as of 1880 - Trade. Only block post on branch as of 1937 and could be switched out allowing otw b/w Duffield Junction and token machine at Wirkworth -SA1937. NBP from 05JAN53 - Sprenger MR Box replaced with g.f. hut 1934 - Sprenger. Pictorial evidence to show "Idrigehay Stn Frame" g.f. hut in existance in 1978 so what/when the platform g.f. is about? Accident here 14JAN1884 - Way & Wks cttee 07MAR1884.
JT Brown - NUR1930 P. Overgrown, slight hollow. Hole in platform where later g.f. wires & rodding emerged.
Gorsey Bank Crossing I04
1 E of line S of x-ing. 140m 37c 289533
Idridgehay - Wirksworth Swift vol 8. Wirk Ln c. 1960. RPYMR2000/28/29 04NOV1970. 1. Outside "signal handles". 2. MR Type 2a 2. Type 2a single 15' x 10' flake with 6" vertical planking on non steps end and front, 3½" on non-steps end. Metal steps at the Derby end away from crossing. Railed walkway on front only. Locking room windows flush with front/rear on non-steps end. Locking room door under steps flush with rear. Nameboard "GORSEY BANK" centrally over ends. 8 levers MR 6in front 03JUN1979 1. By 26th Sept. 1867 2. 08SEP1890
GAYeomans 03JUN1967 x2. (HBOliver 17OCT65 Negative No. X439A from train of steps end). MAKing 11MAY1975 x 3. TT K38/3 25MAY1961.
Was an 'Intermediate Block Telegraph Signal Post' when opened. Laterly a gate box only.

Mr Castleton crossing keeper around WW1. Ex soldier with wooden leg -anecdote about being given to authors great-uncle. Then Mr Bailey who lived in crossing keepers house even after his retirement. "In more recent times the crossing was looked after by Mrs M. Smith whose late husband was also employed by the railway" - Sprenger. Frame at Derby Industrial Museum, Box at Peak Rail, Darley Dale & diagram at MRT Butterley.
Wirksworth I05

W of Mn on S end of Stn platform. 141m 35c 290540 5 Idridgehay 3mi 176yd / Duffield Junc 8mi 230yd Swift volume 8 (layout only). Hinson LM64/16 undated. Wirk Ln MR Type 2a 2.Type 2a single 15' x 10' flake at platform level and thus very low - no walkway and only about 5 wooden steps. Steps are away from traffic but toward station building. At door end there are two wider than normal 4x4 design A windows and the door is flush with the back. Locking room door under main door but sunk into platform. Front, 20 levers 7 spare - Sprenger 08JUL1934 - Gough 1. by 16AUG1877 (MR1877) 2. 08SEP1890 Closed nights and Su (1877). 0645 - 2120 Mo - Sa, 1600 - 1800 Su (1913). Wirk Ln p23 27JUN1933 HCCasserley. Per MAKing undated, uncredited c.1930 looking away from sb. Sizeable yard N of stn. Sb replaced by two g.f.s In 1910 a form of automatic signalling was trialled on the line using 0-4-4 No. 1429. (Wirk Ln) Tablet. Wirksworth Incline Branch worked as One Engine in Steam with staff being Blue & Square -SA1937.

S Bowler, Signalman at Wirksworth, RAIL418 25FEB1925, gratuity of £20 on retirement aged 66yrs after 48yrs service wage 50/- +1/6 week.. H Doxey, J Allsopp - NUR1930. Signalmen include Herbert Doxey, Jack Allsop, Sam Bowler and Ernest Pidcock – Wirk Br Platform still exists but is heavily overgrown, no trace of sb.