Signalboxes - HTML
Name: Reference: Previous Names: Boxes on Site: Location: Mileage: Grid Ref: Class: Section: Diagram: Builder/Type: Description: Frame: Abolished: Opened: Hours: Photos: Sidings etc: Notes Operation: Notes Name/Dates: Notes Location: Notes Staff: Site Today: Artefacts:
Ambergate Colliery Sidings F01
1 N side of line W of adjacent overbridge 137m 50c? 3639 5209
Crich Junc - Buckland Hollow File MT6/158/20 (24MAY1876) MR
8 lever 30SEP1884 - Newman. By 01NOV1875 , 01JUN1876 (MT) Closed Su (1877)

Interlocked double line - Trade. NBP, signals worked by guard of trains booed to call by 1913. Not mentioned in MR dd (1917) Close to point at which canal was diverted to construct line. Probably at "Ambergate or Bull Bridge Brick Works" shown on MR dd 1920.

Buckland Hollow F02
2 N (Dn) side of branch 75m W of Heage Rd overbridge 137m 55c 3733 5187 5 Pentrich Sidings 1637yd / Butterley Station 2mi 98yd - Crich Junc 1mi 31yd Swift vol 8. DBYIM. MR
12 levers 7 spare from diagram. 01SEP1963 - Swift 1. c. SEP1876 2. 27APR1902 Closed nights and Su (1877), 0700 Mo - 0600 Su (1913), 0600 Mo - 0600 Su (w.e.f. 13JAN1942, 1945). 0855 - 1615 Mo, 0825 - 1615 Tu - Fr, 1025 - 1415 Sa - (1959). 0910 - 1606 Mo, 0840 - 1606 Tu - Fr, 0840 - 1230 Sa (1962).
Two sidings on Up side as exchange sidings for colliery branch. Branch worked as One Engine in Steam with staff being Round & Aluminium - SA1937. Boundary of Derby Operating area 1956. Line severed at Buckland Hollow 22DEC1968 - Gough.
WE Harvey, JC Beresford, JW Cook - NUR1930 P. Overgrown but mostly undisturbed. Bases of rearmost pillars still extant.
Pentrich Colliery Sidings F03
2 S (Up) side of lline 136m 61c 3863 5163
Butterley Junction 1232yd / Butterley Station 1mi 221yd - Buckland Hollow 1637yd Swift vol 8 MR

20FEB1949 - Gough 1. by 01OCT1876 2. 11FEB1895 Closed nights and Su (1877), 1245 - 1730 Mo -Sa (1913). 0830-0935, 1410-1610 Mo - Sa (1942). 'Closed' (1945).
Loop with trailing connections S of line. Colliery branch runs to the E.
Raised 04JUN1907 - Gough. o.o.u. by 18NOV1944 (SA) Just N of the new line of A610.
P. Landscaped out of recognition.
Butterley Junction F04
1 N of line 1c W of jnc ~50m E of A38. 136m 5c 3958 5191 4 Butterley Station 749yd - Pentrich Sidings 1232yd (1937) - Ripley Passenger Station 1mi 506yd Swift vol 8 MR
19 working, 1 spare in 1926 - MT29. 1937 (SA) 10FEB1934 - Swift. by 10FEB1934 - Gough. 20MAR1938 - Newman. 01JUN1890 Closed nights and Su (1877), 0730 - 2015 Mo - Fr, 0730 - 2220 Sa, Closed Su (1913). Ripley 12SEP1934 far distance.
Tablet Station in 1893 (MR wn). "Temporarily Closed" by 1930/1 - Rogers. 'Removed 20MAR1938' - Gough 21. Butterley Junction closure. 'This is shewn “closed” in the Signal Box list for 10 Febraury 1934. However it is not shown “removed” until 20 March 1938 so did it stand oou between these dates or reopen and then finally close? Your choice !' - Newman
C Armstrong, E Mee, S Crump - NUR1930 P. MRT. Midland Railway signal buildings on site.
Butterley Station F05
2 N (Dn) side of Mn E of Stn 135m 57c 4033 5195 4 Swanwick Sidings 1041yd - Butterley Junc 749yd / Pentrich Colliery Siding 1mi 221yd / Buckland Hollow 2mi 98yd Swift vol 8/MRC 2. MR Type 3a. Type 3a with one 15’ flake. Small (two pane) locking room window on end at front right up to bottom of walkway. Wooden steps facing traffic with 10 steps. Westernmost finial appears to be missing in 1930’s view. Front. Appears to be 18 on photograph but Dn Distant is No.16. 16 with no spares in 1911 - MT6. 07MAR1965 1. by 01OCT1876 2. 21DEC1902 Closed nights and Su (1877), 0730 - 2015 Mo - Fr, 0730 - 2220 Sa, Closed Su (1913), 0830-0910, 0945-1010, 1145-1300, 1420-1510, 1610-1705 Mo - Sa (1942). 0830 - 1630 Mo to Sa (1945). 0840 - 1600 Mo - Sa (1948). 0840 - 1550 and 2210 - 0600 Mo - Fr, 0840 - 1550 Sa (amended 31DEC1956 in Connection with Engineering Operations in Milford Tunnel). 0840 - 1550 M0 - Sa - HOO Nov1959. 0840 - 1550 Mo - Fr, 0840 - 1350 Sa (1962). Rogers p15 1930's MRT 1528 1930's showing Bill Brough on steps. Wyvern No51 Autumn 1982 p31 good close up view in LMS days by Mrs E Brough showing unident signalman on steps MRT 693. RJBuckley 9269 28JUN59 hidden by steam. Double siding on Up side with two traing crossvers.
Definitely a 3a box so presumably must have been second hand at site. Aig Gill sb now on (approximate?) site J W Gwatkin, Signalman at Butterley, RAIL418 30OCT1923, gratuity of £20 on retirement aged 70yrs after 48yrs service wage 50/- week. Tom Rogers - Porter/Signalman 1930/1. Signalling duties only occupied 4-5hrs each day. Bill Brough signalman in 1930's. JW Moore, H Crowson, GW Gough - NUR1930 MRT Butterley box.
Swanwick West F06
1 N (Dn) side of line at W end of yard complex (OS Map)
4119 5202
Swanwick East - Butterley Station

05FEB1894 - Gough by 01OCT1876 Closed nights and Su (1877)
Loops both sides.

Approx 50m W of current "Swanwick Junction" box and on opposite side

Swanwick Sidings F07 Swanwick East 2 1. N (Dn) side lines E of jnc 2. N side of line W of jnc. 135m 3c 4163 5296 4 Ironville Junc 1mi 1352yd - Swanwick West / Butterley Station 1041yd - Swanwick Branch - Butterley Co. Branch Swift vol 8. RPYMR1991/210. MR Type 2b MR Type 2b with 6" vertical boarding. A 15'x10' flake at steps end with a 10'x10' flake at non-steps end. Smaller flake is also type 2 but has 3½" vertical boarding. Horizontal planking is non-aligning (sunk in middle?). Wooden steps (18) facing traffic. Walkway with rails round front and non-steps end only. Stove at rear. Locking room window flush with front on steps end, in front of steps end flake offset slightly away from door and in centre of front of smaller flake. Front, 30 levers - Hinson 22DEC1968 1. by 01OCT1876 2. 05FEB1894 Closed nights and Su (1877), 0600 Mo - 0400 Su (1913), 2200 Su - 1400 Su (1942). 0600 Mo - 2200 Su (1945). 0600 Mo - 0550 Su - HOO Nov1959. MAKing 14JUN1969 closed and very derelect x5. Numerous to S of line. Junction to Swanwick Colliery to N.

Extensive on both sides with branches to Swanwick Brickworks (a.k.a. Swanwick Colliery), Butterley Company and Brands Colliery.
Swanwick branch worked One Engine in Steam with staff being Round & Black -SA1937. Swanwick Branch (I.e. Ironville Jn to Swanwick), OTW withdrawn and designated a siding - 13OCT1971. RN from box 2 - Gough. Latter name by 1912 (MR1912). Rogers refers to box as "Swanwick Junction". 1. Due S of W side of Hermitage Farm building. Tom Rogers, signalman Grade 4 1935-40. HM Lane, RW Harris, CE Newbold - NUR1930 P - Brick recess, lamp hut, coal bunker and adjacent telegraph pole still extant on MRT site.
Swanwick Gate Crossing F07a

Swanwick Branch
Ground frame
Reframed Tuesday, September 29th [1908] 9.0 a.m. ? by 1908

Somercotes road??

Ironville Junction F08
2 N side of W point of triangular jnc, just E of canal bridge. 133m 22c 4374 5213 5 Riddings Junc 717yd - Codnor Park Junc 590yd - Swanwick Sdg 1mi 1352yd RPYMR1991/210. Sep1902 per photo in Collector's Guide to Railwayana/MAVanns. 2. MR Type 3a. MR Type 3a with single 15' x 12' flake. Wooden steps (11) facing traffic. Bottom of steps immediately adjacent canal bridge balustrade (bridge 25). Single locking room window on steps end flush with front. Locking room door on side at rear. Railed walkway round all four sides. Fire buckets centrally on front. Stove at rear Front 16 lever 3 spares - Swift 22JAN1967 1. by 01OCT1876 2. 21SEP1902 Closed nights and Su (1877), 0600 Mo - 0400 Su (1913), Open Continuously (1942, 1945). 0600 Mo - 0550 Su - HOO Nov1959. MAKing 07DEC1963 None, trailing crossover (9), Swanwick side of box. Down Starter to Codnor Park Jn (13) locked by the block - 1902.
Midway between the canal bridge and the junction on the N side. Bottom of steps immediately adjacent canal bridge balustrade (bridge 25). Tom Rogers Grade 6P signalman 1933-35. T Wells (" ex Cl 3 relief"), A Colbert, TH Sparkes - NUR1930